Sunday, February 17, 2008

Stations of The Cross: Opening Prayer

Mary, my Mother, you were the first to live the Way of the Cross.You felt every pain and every humiliation. You were unafraid of the ridicule heaped upon you by the crowds. Your eyes were ever on Jesus and His Pain. Is that the secret of your miraculous strength? How did your loving heart bear such a burden and such a weight? As you watched Himstumble and fall, were you tortured by the memory of all the yesterdays-His birth, His hidden life and His ministry?

You were so desirous of everyone loving Him. What a heartache it wasto see so many hate Him - hate with a diabolical fury. Take my hand as I make this Way of the Cross. Inspire me with those thoughts that will make me realize how much He loves me. Give me light to apply each station to mydaily life and to remember my neighbor's needs in this Way of the Pain.

Obtain for me the grace to understand the mystery, the wisdomand the Divine love as I go from scene to scene. Grant that my heart, likeyours, may be pierced through by the sight of His sorrow and the misery andthat I may determine never to offend Him again. What a price He paid to cover my sins, to open the gates of heaven for me and to fill my soul with Hisown Spirit . Sweet Mother, let us travel this way together and grant that thelove in my poor heart may give you some slight consolation.
